MAJOR EVENTS IN CLINTON'S PRESIDENCY Gays in the Military President Clinton ordered an end to discrimination against homosexuals in the military. The order caused a lot of criticism. Clinton backed down. He approved a new policy called "don't ask, don't tell." That is, service personnel and new recruits are not asked about their sexual preferences. But they also cannot reveal them. The Economy As a candidate, Clinton promised to improve the U.S. economy. In his first year in office, the economy did improve. He cut the federal deficit. Long-term interest rates dropped. President Clinton also changed the direction of the economy. He won tax relief for poor taxpayers. He set up a national service program to help students pay for their college education. In addition, Clinton supported academic research. He also introduced a controversial plan to create a national health insurance. International Trade In 1993, Congress approved the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). It was negotiated by President GEORGE BUSHs administration. NAFTA was controversial. Some Americans feared losing their jobs to Mexico. Organized labor opposed the agreement. Some environmental groups also opposed it. After a bruising battle in Congress, President Clinton won approval of NAFTA. In 1994, Clinton approved a new global trade agreement. It was negotiated by the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT). The negotiations were called the Uruguay Round. They began when RONALD REAGAN was president. The Middle East President Clinton met at the White House with the leaders of Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO). They signed a Middle East peace agreement. The peace talks began when GEORGE BUSH was president. Russia and Eastern Europe In 1994, President Clinton visited Russia. He wanted to encourage political and economic reforms in Russia. But he was careful not to offend the Russian people. Some Eastern European countries wanted to join the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). They still feared Russia. They wanted NATO's protection. The Russians objected to their former allies joining NATO. Clinton did not want to increase U.S.-Russian tensions. But he understood the fear of Poland, Hungary, and other Eastern European countries. He proposed a loose "partnership for peace" between NATO and Eastern Europe. The leaders of Poland and Hungary were unhappy. But they accepted Clinton's terms. Vietnam In 1994, President Clinton lifted U.S. economic sanctions against Vietnam. He hoped the trauma of the Vietnam War was finally over. Some Americans believed there were missing Americans in Vietnam from the war. Clinton did not restore diplomatic relations with the Vietnamese. He still intended to seek the return of missing American soldiers. Somalia President GEORGE BUSH sent U.S. troops to Somalia to feed starving children. After Clinton became president, U.S. soldiers were killed there. By then, most Americans wanted the troops to leave Somalia. Congress set a deadline for the president to withdraw U.S. troops from Somalia. Haiti When Clinton became president, Jean Bertrand Aristide was the elected leader of Haiti. He had been overthrown in a military coup. The Organization of American States (OAS) imposed economic sanctions on Haiti. Some Americans wanted the United States to restore Aristide to power. Clinton refused. He was criticized for inaction. But there was not much popular U.S. support for a military invasion of Haiti. Bosnia When President GEORGE BUSH was in office, a brutal civil war broke out in the former country of Yugoslavia. Moslems in the republic of Bosnia-Herzegovina were slaughtered by Serbians. Some Americans wanted the United States to intervene in Bosnia. Clinton was slow to act. Most Americans feared becoming involved in a war in Europe. The United States and its European allies finally agreed to enforce a cease-fire in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Whitewater and other Scandals In 1994, President Clinton's attorney general appointed a special prosecutor to investigate the Whitewater affair. Whitewater was a real estate development in Arkansas. The project was financed by the Madison Savings and Loan Company. Madison failed during the savings and loan scandal that began during President RONALD REAGAN's administration. As governor of Arkansas, Clinton invested in the Whitewater development. Hillary Rodham Clinton's law firm represented the Madison Savings and Loan Company. The Clintons were suspected of gaining illegal benefits from their Whitewater investment. Republicans in Congress called for a congressional investigation. Democrats agreed to schedule hearings. Relatively speaking, the Clintons had little money. But the White House seemed to be covering-up improper conduct. In his first year in office, President Clinton barely escaped scandal on other fronts. In 1993, Vincent Foster died in a park in Washington, D.C. He was a White House lawyer. He was one of the president's best friends. He was also Hillary Clintons former law partner. After Foster's death, documents were removed from his White House office. The evidence suggested Foster had committed suicide. But the rumor spread that he was murdered. The special prosecutor investigated his death. In late 1993, two former Arkansas state troopers renewed charges that Clinton committed adultery as governor of Arkansas. The accusations caused a big uproar. After two weeks, the U.S. press and public lost interest in the charges. Most Americans were more interested in the improving economy. The Iran-Contra Scandal President Clinton inherited the investigation into the Iran-Contra scandal. The scandal lingered from President RONALD REAGAN's administration. In 1994, the special prosecutor appointed to investigate Iran-Contra issued his report. It absolved Reagan and GEORGE BUSH of criminal conduct. But it accused them of acting improperly. The special prosecutors report singled Bush out for special criticism. The special prosecutor concluded that President Reagan may not have understood the full significance of his administrations actions. But Vice President Bush was aware of the seriousness of the governments illegal conduct. The prosecutor concluded that his conduct contradicted the values he had stood for throughout his career. BILL CLINTON AND HIS TIMES Clinton the First Post-World War II President Clinton is a "baby-boomer." He was born in 1946. Clinton is the first U.S. president who was born after World War II. He was born in 1946. Clinton's election represented a generational change in U.S. leadership. Every other president since HARRY TRUMAN served in World War II. Clinton the Rhodes Scholar Clinton is the first U.S. president who was also a Rhodes Scholar. He won the scholarship in 1968. He studied at Oxford University in Oxford, England for two years. After he became president, Clinton hired 15 other Rhodes Scholars to work in his administration.